Stephanie Roth-Goldberg Stephanie Roth-Goldberg

Should You Unfollow That Influencer?

We all want to have a healthy relationship with food and our bodies, and as parents, we definitely want our kids to get there with less stress than we experienced. The impact that diet culture and unrealistic body image standards can have on kids can cause a ripple effect that reaches decades into adulthood. With the messages we received in childhood about food and health, it's no wonder that so many of us struggle with our body image today.

The good news is that there are things we can do to help our kids build a healthy foundation with food and the way they see their bodies.

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molly grimes molly grimes

Helping Our Kids Have a Healthy Foundation with Food

We all want to have a healthy relationship with food and our bodies, and as parents, we definitely want our kids to get there with less stress than we experienced. The impact that diet culture and unrealistic body image standards can have on kids can cause a ripple effect that reaches decades into adulthood. With the messages we received in childhood about food and health, it's no wonder that so many of us struggle with our body image today.

The good news is that there are things we can do to help our kids build a healthy foundation with food and the way they see their bodies.

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